Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Cooking for Community

This is my first post but not my first bit of content. Cindy and I have been cooking big meals (4-6 courses) for 6-8 guests for the last 2 years ... we've missed a month here or there so it's going on something like 20 meals. It's become a big part of our lives and one of the only consistently social things we've found time to formalize.

We've got rules for the dinners - no repeat guests, no repeat food (though I will admit that the goat cheese, bacon and date struddle has made more than one much-appreciated appearance). The dinners have become a very significant part of our community - but we're aware that without repeat guests - we're benefiting the most! And most of all, I benefit. The dinners are 4-6 courses, include 4-6 bottles of wine and last about as long. But for me I also get to plan, shop and prepare the meal - so my experience is more like one of 8-10 hours.

This blog is about those dinners - and other choice cooking experiences - and the people that enjoy them.

1 comment:

  1. neat! neat neat NEAT! i love it! currently, i don't know much about this blogging stuff but it's fun trying to figure it out. looking forward to more posts! - john
